Inspired by the neural networks, recently did a project called friend-circles. It draws the real-time social networks between all registered users in my website. The initial purpose is I want to see how powerful and exciting the data visualization techniques could bring to life.
Index page
User page
On the left side is the control panel, user can select “connect” or “disconnect” on any of other users. The middle panel displays the real-time networks of all the users. Each user is represented as a distinct node. Links simply mean they have connections between each other.
On the right side is the ranking panel, which ranks the top users with most connections.
I also added some advanced features based on this.
I used the classical graph structure to design the user schema.
The NodeSchema saves the information of the user. To make things easier, I use the self-join techniques to make the “friends” attributes, so it can keep track the current user’s friends.
var NodeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
gender: {type:String, default:"f"},
friends: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'nodes'
The EdgeSchema saves the relationship between users. In this project, there is no actual directions. If two users are connected, there is two-way connection. “source” and “target” just follows the name convention.
var EdgeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
source : { type: Schema.ObjectId },
target : { type: Schema.ObjectId },
created_at : Date,
The server-side controller talks to the database directly and parse data back to front-end. The typical code block is like this:
module.exports = (function(){
I used two server-side controllers here. One for node and one for links(edges).
I followed the RESTful pattern to design the routes. For example, :/id represents the node objectId parsed as a parameter.
The factory serves the communication between backend and front-end controllers. It can also be regarded as the data provider to the front-end. The main ejection to the factory module is the “http” service. It makes a http request to the router and get data back to the controller. A typical code block is like this:
factory = {};
var nodes = [];
factory.index = function(callback){
console.log('nodeFactory is loading data');
return factory;
The controller controls all the data exchange in the html pages. The scope variables are not only used to render corresponding data on the page, they are also used as state indicator. Since the scope variable lives inside the controller, it can be shared by multiple functions in the controller.
The hardest point in this project is to make sure before the drawing happens, the graph data are ready. After some trials and optimization. I used some callback chains to get the things done. For example, to create connections, there are three steps:
$scope.connect = function(id2){
// getEdges();
// draw();
For the key function, that is drawing graph via d3.js, I will create another post to illustrate it. Hope this post gives you the overview of the architecture of this project. Thanks for reading!